Workshop Manual for Teachers
Layout & Book Design
with Program Development Dierctor Angelique Bhattacharjie
Introduce Me
A work-in-pairs exercise where students get to know each other and realise they have shared interests
Walk of Words (Cat)
Reflection Circle
Step Inside If…
Students take steps forward toward a circle IF they agree with certain statements. They move back two steps after each statement, if they don’t
Taking Sides
An exercise helping students understand what they have in common with each other
Image Theater
Emotional Expression
Students express a selected word through body language, facial expressions and positioning
Behind My Back
Students indulge in positive gossip about a classmate who stands with his back facing the group
Jumping Star
Run and jump like a star!
Body Awareness
A group exercise that invites students to tap into their body awareness, build concentration, focus and self-awareness
Exploring Emotions
Encouraging students to examine and explore what emotions mean to them, and how they represent emotions through facial expressions and voice
Learning associated feelings and emotions related to receiving and expressing negative communication
Compassion Circle
A group bonding exercise to reassure students that they share a space that is safe, caring, respectful of each other and forgiving
An exercise where students learn the associated feelings and emotions related to receiving and expressing positive communication
Shake It Out
Releasing any residual energy from previous exercises :)
Mirror, Mirror
A work-in-pairs exercise where students learn to observe, lead and follow
Compassion Circle
Bunny Bunny
A fun group exercise to release any residual energy from the previous exercises
Bullying Chain
Students take turns to role-play bullying characters, to allow a deeper understanding of the dis-empowering emotions and consequences of bullying
Kindness Chain
Students take turns to role-play kind characters, to allow a deeper understanding of the empowering emotions and positive results of choosing to be kind
Freeze Your Feelings
Students choose different characters that they would like to play during different rehearsal rounds of the play
Final Casting
Students take turns to role-play characters of bullies and victims, while being interrogated by their peers to better understand the motives, causes and consequences of their behaviour
I love me…
A group exercise aimed at enabling students to build greater appreciation and gratitude for themselves and their skills & strengths
Walk in Character
An energiser for students to prepare for rehearsals, by embodying the full persona of their play characters
Filling up individual workshop logs, followed by sharing thoughts
We can do it!
An exercise for students to express shared emotions, thoughts and concerns about the upcoming play, as well as offer encouragement
Walk your Lines
This group exercise challenges students to strengthen their focus, concentration and memory skills
Final rehearsals on school stage