Intisar Foundation
Intisar Foundation works with women affected by war trauma through drama therapy – A healing combination of theatre and psychology.
Empowering and uplifting them to be able to voice their power and take lead on their own lives, their families, their communities, and eventually the Arab world at large.
Logo Design
with Senior Graphic Designer Vanig Kodjian and Captain Gaja Kruchlik
Slogan/ Copy-writing
Pattern Design
Brand Guidelines
Motion graphics by Predrag Nikolic
Intisar Foundations’ new logo symbolises the journey of a woman affected by war through the use of Drama Therapy that liberates her mind and releases unresolved emotions. It entails the story of change, showing how a woman in despair morphs to a woman rebuilt, self-assured and victorious (Intisar in Arabic means “Victory”).
This transformation showcases her victory over her trauma. The triumph of hope & peace over helplessness and hardship.
– To take action
– To perform
– A world without war, oppression and inequality
– Tranquility within oneself – Inner peace
Intisar Foundation understands, respects and upholds the importance of the individual as well as the collective. The pattern represents that ideology. it symbolises the strength of #1MillionArabWomen